Herbalism for pain, stress & sleep

Based in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire


A mission statement or a testimonial that calls to your ideal client and solves their current wellbeing concerns . Tap into the emotion and results rather than skills or qualifications.


Hi, I’m Tulsi

A little bit about you, why you do what you do and who you help. This is a little prelude to your main About page.

Tell visitors about your experience and why you are the person that can help them achieve their goals. People want to feel you’re the right expert for them.





 Learn more about the power of herbs in the blog.

Showcase your expertise using a blog. Not only will this prove that you are an expert in your field but blogging regularly will help your website rank well in Google - just make sure your blog posts have your juiciest keywords (search terms) in them.


What Clients Are Saying

Address any concerns potential clients may have. Reassure them with your expertise - they’re in safe hands.

  • Dispel any myths about the therapy, explain the benefits and results they may get etc.

  • Elaborate on the types of conditions you specialise in or like working with.

  • Explain how your service may work well alongside other therapies

Ready for some self care?